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Sunday, December 27, 2009

hotel industry

tourist belong to hotel for 4s. fun, recreation, sex, seen.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Types of kitchen in high level hotel:

The types of kitchen in the high level hotels are :-
#. Main kitchen
#. Fast food kitchen
#. Display kitchen
#. Satellite kitchen
The Main kitchen is divided into th following;
- The hot sections
- Still room
- The vegetable preparation area
- The cold section and store
- The pastry/bakery section
- The butchery section
- The attached cleaning and washing area
- The leadger
- Head chef's office
- Temporary kitchen

Monday, December 14, 2009

5STAR hotel in the conutry of MT.EVEREST __ NEPAL

The five star hotel of Nepal are ;
- Hotel soaltee corne plaza (kathmandu)
- The Everest hotel (kathmandu)
- Hotel Radisson (Kathmandu)
- Sangrila hotel (kathmandu)
- Hotel del' annapurna (kathmandu)
- The Yak & Yeti regency (kathmandu)
- Taragaon Hyatt ragency (kathmandu)
- Fulbhari resort (pokhara, Nepal)

Registration From :

Registration is the act of recording name & details on an offical list. Any guest coming to stay in hotel must compulsorly be registrered an it is obligatory by law. The following are the information requried when registration takes place.
- Name of the guest, address, and contact number.
- Sources of reservation/organation.
- Passport details & pax number.
- Purpose of visit, Nationality, proffession.
- lenth of stay & forwarding address.
- Registration number with arrival and departure date.
- Mode of payment and club member number.
- Room number, rate, and plan.
- Frequent flyer number.
- Next destination.

Attitudew of staff of hotel

#. Works with other staff
#. Shows initiative
#. Respect other staff
#. Shows politeness to senior staff
#. Display friendliness and helps to other staff
#. Works for oneself only
#. Doesnot show initiative
#.Display a lack of respect for other guest
#. Shows rudeness to coleagues & seniors.
#. Display on helples attitude to staff.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Facilities provided to guest in hotel

One of the most important criteria for classifying hotel is based on the facilities that offers. In the 5 star hotel the following facilities are provided:-
- Central heating and cooling
- Speclialty dining restaurants
- Gift shops
- 24hrs check-in and check-out for VIPs and CIPs
- Wall to wall carpeting
- Indoor and outdoor swimming pools
- Health club and fitness center
- Mini-bar in room
- Sports facilities
- 24hrs coffee shops e.t.c.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Personal/human resource department;

The personal/human resources department is responsible for acquisition, maintenance, motivation, and training and development. It plays a vital role in any hotel. The personnel manager must be familiar with the international local labour market and labour law. As per that he must design and develop strategies to attract qualified employees.

Types of the Room plans offered by hotel;

Rooms plans are the package of meals with accommodation offered by a hotel to the guests for their convenience. The rooms plans offered by the hotels to guests are:-
# European Plan (EP)
# Continental Plan (CP)
# Bed and Breakfast (BB)
# Modefied American Plan (MAP)
# Full American Plan (FAP)

Characteistics of Tourism:

The characteristics of the tourism industry are ;
1. Tourism activities should take palce away from the familiar home environment.
2. Tourism aries from the movement of people to the unfamiliar destination.
3. Tourism is purly a leisure activity undertaken during leisure for pleasure.
4. Tourism is integral contributor to economy and society in many countries.

Sales and Marketing department:

This department markets the hotel product to the prospective. It does the advertising and promotional campaigns. In large hotels, this department responsibilities are typically divided into 4 functions and they are; sales, convention services, advertising and public relation.

Inn the French concept hotel

The French concept of an Inn is a private home, one state or a caste that has been converted into lodging establishment. Such Inns are usually found located any where, within or outside of the city. The facilities provided are usually limited at modest fare.

Motel hotels:

The word motel is a combination of motor and hotel. It is an establishment primarily established to cater to guest arriving by automobile. Such motel hotel are found in the highway roand. Nowadays even motels provides the facilities like:- swimming pool playground or parks for childrens.

Evolution of Tourism

Evolution of tourism can be classified into 3 phases. They are:-
1. The first phase:

In the is first phase, the evolution of tourism is referred to as tourism before railways.

2. The second phase:

The second phase, of tourism marks the onset of industrial revolution.

3. The third phase:

The third phase of the tourism Marks after the onset of two Great world Wars.

Resort hotel:

Guest often choose resort hotel as their planned destination. A resort may be ideally located away from the heat, smoke, dust, hustle and bustle of the busy cities within the lap of mountains, on the top of hills, in an island, by the river bank, on the beach etc .

Nature of tourism industry

The nature of tourism industry are as follows:-
1. Tourism and service.
2. Tourism is a contributor to the economy.
3. Tourism comprises of various industrial business.
4. Tourism product sre highly perishable.
5. Tourism is related with sumptuousness.
6. Tourism products are stationary.
7. Tourism is an incessant industry.


Lobby is a area located inside entrance of the hotel building with sitting arrangement for the customers/guests/visitors to meet and wait.It is synonym to the word 'Foyer', which means wide passage or large hall just inside the entrance of a public building. The dimension and design of this area rely upon the size and design of the building.Basically, lobby area must be furnished with all necessary facilities, e.g. lobby desk, bell desk, travel desk, GRE desk, reception desk, front cash counter, etc.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Catring industry

The terms catering refers to providing provision of food and beverage to the confide guests. It is organized by a group of caterers, and therefore, it is also termed as an industry.In catering, the caterers cater to those people or group who serve in a position to have and are able to receive the products and services simultaneously.It is a hospitality industry to provide the service of food and beverage.

Housekeeping linen

The term linen refers to any cloth made from the flax plant.The flax is dried and treated before it is spun into linen. However, most of the linen used in the nylon, woollen, or silk, or blended cotton are also commonly used. They are essentially used in very sensitive and costly items after over head cost.Housekeeping linen is refers to all fabrics used in the hotel, such as bed sheets, pillowcases, towel, table cloth, slip sloth, napkin, frill cloth, etc.

Nature and Function of Food&Beverage

Food and beverage department occupies an integral place in any hotel industry.It plays a vital role in the profitable process of a hotel business since hotel is a business department.It provides of prepared food and beverage in an appropriate hospitality manner through its outlets/units to the distinguished guest .Food and beverage department comprise of food service outlets, bar, restaurant, kitchens, stewarding, food and beverage purchase and control as well.


Barman/Barmaid is one who waits at the bar lounge or behind the bar counter for beverage service to the guest as per their orders.He is called bar captain or bar headwaiter in a deluxe hotel.At times, he serves drinks to the guests holding trays in the lounge area when bar waiters are busy.

Outlets of Food&Beverage Department in a hotel---Restaurant

A restaurant is an eating house where refreshments and meals may be obtained on payment.It is modern term in English.It was gradually adopted into the English language after 1765 A.D., when Boulanger, a French man in Paris, served soup that he called "Restaurant", which means restorative in English literature.It is a public place where meals and drinks can be bought and consumed simultaneously.

Outlets of Food and Beverage department in a hotel---Bar

The word 'Bar' from American word 'Barrier', which means a fence or wall.The counter is locked attractively with bottles and glasses displayed behind it within a well decorated rack.Bar is an important part of the food and beverage department ina hotel.It provides alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage to the customers.It established independently with the separate lincense, or included with the hotel by obtaining legal premission from the civil authority.

5 star hotel room service

This is an essential outlet of food and beverage department in a hotel that serves meals and drinks in the guest's rooms/suites 24hrs.In most hotels, room service facilities are centralized and located next to the main kitchen, service bar and service elevator.In the context of the today's world as a room service the gens guest are provided a prostitution in each hotel.

kitchen of hotel industry

Kitchen is well designed area in which food is prepared and cooked for customers' service.The word kitchen comes from the french words 'cuisine' means art of cooking or food preparation in the room called kitchen. The varieties of meals that are prepared and cooked by the skilled and semi-skilled culinary crafts are the keys person, and food is served in specific areas of the catering establishment.

Kitchen Hygiene of 5star hotels

# Ventilation should be thoroughly cleaned and wiped.
# Lightnings should be wiped with damp cloth.
# Sinks should be thoroughly cleaned with detergent solution.
# All kitchen equipments should be cleaned with hot water.
# Chopping boards should be frequently cleaned and wiped.
# Kitchen store are must be checked and cleaned regularly.
# Kitchen must be swept and mopped after each work shift.


Hotel is one of the major segment of hospitality industries essential for tourism activities.It is an organization which provide three indispensable things to the guest for their conventional , recreational , sports , gambling(casino) etc. As a classification of hotel it has been classified in following ways:-
1.Hotel size
3.level of service
4.Facilities it offers
5.Target market

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tourism and Tourist

The word tourism is derive from the French word "Tourisme" ,literally means to tours and travels.Tourism is the process of temporary movement in the particular destination undertaken by the human that starts from one point and ends at the point where one started the journey from.It is a phenomenon of human character related to the tour and travelling at a particular area,locality,sites,places, e.t.c. but travelling with out any reason for temporary stay is not termed as tourism.According to world tourism organization had defined tourism and tourist as "the tourists are the temporary visitors staying at least 24 hours in the country visited and tourism is the living activities at the spotlight." The tourist mainly refers to tourism for the sake of pleasure in the leisure.

Monday, December 7, 2009


House-keeping is the department responsible for upkeeping of a hotel property.House-keeping department is called backbone of hotel industry.The main objectives of house-keeping department is maintaining the standard of cleaningness,comford,cozeeness and hygien.The main responsiblity of house-keeping department is to maintain newness of all the internal and external property of hotel which will satisfied the needs of a geust and standard of a hotel.
The dapartment which comes under the house-keeping are;
* Lineh and uniform room.
* Laundry.
* House-keeping store.
* Gradening.
* flower rooms.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Gravy Chicken

Gravey chicken

Required materials;
* 500 gram boneless chicken's meat.
* 3 big onions.
* 200 gram tomato.
* 2 green and 2 red dry chillies.
* One small bowl oil.
* Salt as per taste.
* 1 small pieces ginger

Way of cooking;

Cut the onion,tomato & placed them in a bowl.Cutting the green chillies in small pieces & placed them in a bowl.Cutting the meats in desire pieces.Heat the fry pan then after put oil in the pan , after few minutes fry the meat until the meat colour change into brown.Than placed the fried meat in a bowl.Again heat the pan & put oil on it & put the cutted onion in a pan until it change the brown colour.Now mixed the fry meat with onion,red chillies.Then sitter & put the salt according to the taste.Put one cup water and cutted tomato over it and let it cook for 1-2 minutes.Then the gravy chicken is yours.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


The literal meaning of hospitality is looking after guest well.As for definition hospitality is "reception and entertainment of guest,visitors,strangers with liberality and good will".so we can say hospitality is related with organizing and providing pleasent environment by means of its available facilities and activities.
Due to the service Nature of Hospitality Hotel management became a complex phenomenon. The word service has many meaning ranging from personal service(intangible) to service as a product(tangible).It is define differently in every society but as per Hotel Management it deals with the specialized service of accommodation and catering.

Monday, November 30, 2009

front office

Front office is the most vissible segment of any hotel industry which is strategically located right at the hotel building within the high traffic lobby area.It is rigarded as nerve center of any hotel. It is the Place where the travellers /visitors come to contact with hotel for the first time.It's main responsiblity is to get geust registration as from geust check-in to check-out.It is designed to perform necessary formalities related to arriving and departing geust.It is also related or it deals with geust relation,geust comfort and convenience. The main major source of geust information and is responsiblefor maintaining geust records.The front office department in a hotel holds prime importance in view of the basic nature of bussiness of established i.e. to sale room,to collect revenue during arrival and departure of geust.
The main functions of the Front Office Department:
* Deals with rooms reservation reguest.
* Check-in & Check-out of geusts.
* Helps in marketings and sales promotion strategies.
* Deals with various inquries and information of in-house and outside activities.
* Receive geust and help them to comlete registration formalities.
* Handle and control geust rooom keys .
* Produce daily reports and statistics.
* Deals with deposits for safe custody.
* Keep relevant geust records.