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Monday, November 30, 2009

front office

Front office is the most vissible segment of any hotel industry which is strategically located right at the hotel building within the high traffic lobby area.It is rigarded as nerve center of any hotel. It is the Place where the travellers /visitors come to contact with hotel for the first time.It's main responsiblity is to get geust registration as from geust check-in to check-out.It is designed to perform necessary formalities related to arriving and departing geust.It is also related or it deals with geust relation,geust comfort and convenience. The main major source of geust information and is responsiblefor maintaining geust records.The front office department in a hotel holds prime importance in view of the basic nature of bussiness of established i.e. to sale room,to collect revenue during arrival and departure of geust.
The main functions of the Front Office Department:
* Deals with rooms reservation reguest.
* Check-in & Check-out of geusts.
* Helps in marketings and sales promotion strategies.
* Deals with various inquries and information of in-house and outside activities.
* Receive geust and help them to comlete registration formalities.
* Handle and control geust rooom keys .
* Produce daily reports and statistics.
* Deals with deposits for safe custody.
* Keep relevant geust records.